Sunday, May 20, 2007

Good news!!

Hey Mitchimus!
There's been a few changes over the last week or so! You're now no longer the youngest in the extended family - you have a new baby cousin Jared. When we went to visit him, you and him were nearly the same weight, hehehe. We put you both on the bed together and you're nearly the same size awww!
You're now a bottle-bub, and it seems to be all working out for the better. You're sleeping better at night time and not screaming the house down for hours on end. You're growing up so fast already argh! When we try to put the bottle in your mouth, you grab a-hold and pull it into your mouth. You like to continue to hold it tight - in case someone might take it away!!
Even when Gregory is loud and making a rukkus you are still able to sleep soundly on the bouncer or the lounge and look so comfy all wrapped up.

This week we went to the doctors and got your blood test and hip test results. Your CK levels seem normal (YAYAYAYYAY) but we will still have another test at 3 months to be sure to be sure. The hip u/s came back normal as well. So yay for MITCHIE!!!!

Well.. while you're sleeping I'm gunna get some sleep!! We've got a few little things to do this week and I've gotta keep up the energy!
Love you,

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

U/S & Blood test

Hugs for Mitchell,
Its now Tuesday and you're sleeping in your bassinet. You've been doing a few new things lately!! (some more recently than others) You are able to hold your head up for a while and sticky beak, you can roll onto your side,.... you even rolled over onto your tummy once last week!! You're learning to sleep about 5-6 hours at night (thank you!) although the first night you did this Gregory woke up twice!! argh!!! Ah well....all this and you're only a month old :o) You're a clever little chap.
We all enjoyed spending the weekend together. Dad loves to give you a cuddle at any given chance - Greg loves to hold you and looks so proud each and every time. On Sunday we went to the park with Chelsea, U.Grum and A.Lynda, Greg and Dad. It wasn't really exciting for you as you slept most of the time!
Yesterday was busy for you. We took Gregory to A.Lynda & Chelsea's before we headed to the Radiologist. You had your hips scanned (checking for Hip Displaysia). We saw Charli & Lindy on the way out (you were in the nursery with Charli). We then headed to the hospital where you had some blood tests taken. Dad is picking up the scans on his way home at lunchtime and hopefully we get the blood test results next week when we see the Doctor.
We didn't end up going to Playgroup today - someone decided to keep mum awake till 2:30 in the morning..... I wonder who that was!! (I still love ya... through 1/2 opened eyes!)

Not sure what the rest of the week holds for us.... probably a LOT of sleeeeeeeeeeep!!
Love you!


Friday, May 4, 2007

Dear Mitchie,
Your photo was in the Daily Liberal yesterday as part of the 'Baby of 2007 Photo Competiton' . You were next to your brother :o), I've scanned your photos and put them with the heading from the paper. You look so gorgeous and I'm proud to call you both my boys!!

We haven't been up to much, been home-bodies this week. You're doing quite well.... except for keeping me up nearly all of Tuesday night!!! Ahh well... the joys of being a mum to a new-born huh? Today we went to the park with Greg, A.Megs and Makayla - you enjoyed sleeping in the pram in the shade :D.
You're 1 month birthday is tomorrow.... my goodness that has gone fast!!
Love you!!