Sunday, July 29, 2007

Interesting 2 weeks

Hey Mitchie-moos,

You've been a busy boy!! Lots of things have been happening... not all the best either!
I ended up in hospital and your A.Megs and U.Mike looked after you for a while. You were such a good boy for them. Dad had lots of fun looking after you - he even managed to hear you when you woke at 5am on the coldest morning we've had in years!!! (I was in hospital that night!)
That was a busy week..........

This week was quite busy too.

To make things more interesting... you came down with a cold - the snuffles for a little while. Gregory came down with a really bad cough and cold while you battled your snuffles. I hoped you would be able to get rid of it and I think you almost did until Gregory decided to share with you.... his horrible cold.
Wednesday afternoon we went to the Dr.s to get your blood test results and they came back all clear!! YAYAYAY so thats a relief. After the Dr. checked you over you screamed all the way to the car.... You've never done that before. We got home and all had a well earned nap.
Wednesday night you and Gregory were both quite sick with the flu so we changed plans of going to dinner with everyone to celebrate A.Lynda and my bday. Gran came and looked after you and Greggles while U.Grum, A.Lynda and Dad went to Hogs Breath for dinner..............when we got home you were quite snuffly and you had a horrible cough. When you woke Thursday morning you coughed and coughed then screamed the house down!! As I tried to put you to bed you had a small 'asthma attack' like unable to breath. You looked at me with eyes wide as if to say 'help me mum!' (It was scary for us both).
I rang Gran to see if you had anything like that happen last night while she was looking after you and she said you hadn't, it was with that news that I packed both you and Gregory up and headed to the hospital. The receptionist saw me walk in and asked what I was doing back lol!
Anyhows, we only waited for about 5-10 mins before they took you in and checked all your vitals. We ended up seeing about 4 different doctors and interns. Dad ended up coming with lunch and took Gregory home. The Drs sent you for a chest xray which came back clear. They were discussing if they should send you home (because we live local if you got worse we could come back..... yeh thanks!) then your blood pressure went up and oxygen levels went down and they put you on oxygen. It was then they realised that you really weren't well enough to go home and admitted you overnight.
Still all smiles even with oxygen!

We packed you up and took you to the kids ward where they had a cot for you. The nurses there were really lovely and looked after you so much. They all thought that you are such a happy and cheerful boy and wanted to take you home. If you weren't coughing or sleeping you were smiling or giggling at the nurses. One nurse cleaned out your nose and you screamed, only when she came back after washing her hands you cooed and smiled at her.
Friday morning your paed doctor did the rounds and checked how you are and ordered blood tests. There were a few things from your check up which were a little concern that he wanted blood results for. They came back a little weird and when they sent you home Saturday they said to get some done before heading to your paed doctor later this week. I missed you so much while you were in hospital - I know your Daddy did!!
Since you've been home, Daddy has been taking in as many smiles and cooing from you as possible - I almost have to fight him to give you a cuddle!!
You're starting to get a lot better. Still snuffly and coughing but you sound so much better.

Other news - A.Val and U.Jon came and visited this weekend. It was good to see them - you gave them smiles to your hearts content!! It was great to have you home just in time to see them too.Smiling at me and Aunty Val

Giving grins to Uncle Jon

Anyhow... this has been an epic message - theres so much more to tell you! You're my little champion and I love you very much. We're all glad that you're ok.
Off to Playtime tomorrow :) *yay*
(I'll update with photos too)
Time for beddies.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

In the BIG BATH!

Well lookie here :o) Sunday night you got to have your first wash in the big bath with Gregory. You don't seem to fit in the baby bath anymore!! You enjoyed it lots as did Gregory. He was a bit surprised to start with but adjusted and soon stopped splashing when he realised that you didn't like it much. He tried to give you each of the duckies at least once each!! Such a sharing boy :o)

You've been gooing and cooing a lot lately & also giggling. You especially love smiling at Daddy at the moment. Awww! We have also beev trying to get you to bed a little earlier every night - 1am is just tooooooooooo late!!

We haven't been up to much else lately although last week while Makka and Chelsea were both here Chelsea tried sharing her pizza with you!! hahaha! Last week you also were weighed again... Now that you are 3 months old you're over 6kg ooooo! Heavy boy hehhee.

Well my darling moo, I best go and check on you.... time to get up!!