Monday, January 7, 2008

Merry 1st Christmas - & Happy New Year

Hey Mitchie-Moos,
It was a great Christmas time! We woke up Christmas morning, you and Gregory waiting patiently for Gran and Grandad & A.Pam to come over so you could open your presents. You both had the right idea of ripping open the paper! It was lovely to watch. You both were quite excited by all the new toys.

Shortly after Gran, Grandad and A.Pam left I went to church while you and Greg and dad played with your new toys. When I got home we all went to Nanna and Cookies place. We waited for A.Megs, U.Mike, Steph and Maka to get there before we opened all our presents.
Nanna and Cookie bought you boys a huge CARS play tent.... I mean HUGE! It's fantastic.
Unfortunately Gregory went to bed at lunchtime - but you were no party pooper - you were the life of Christmas Lunch. You sat up to the table, Christmas hat and all.

Just like a normal Aussie bloke you feel asleep shortly after lunch too!! hahhaehee
For Boxing Day, we headed to Grandma and Grandads. Lots of people - Gran, Grandad, A.Val, U.Jon. A.Pam, Beaux, A.Lynda, U.Grum, Chelsea, Jared, me, Dad, Gregory and Tres. We had a blast watching (and helping a little) you and the other kids with their Christmas presents. This time you decided to be a party pooper and slept through lunch!! Aw well... whats Christmas for but for sleeping huh?
You joined Gran & Gregory for a spa a little later on.

With Gran and Dad in the Spa - investigating the fountain...

Sitting sideways in the lounge room

Giggling at Uncle Jons silly jokes

We didn't do too much for New Years Eve - although we headed to Cookie & Nan's for New Years lunch to help celebrate Cookie's birthday.

Enjoying chippies with Cookie-birthday-boy

Cuddle times with Mum!

We know you had Merry Christmas & and are enjoying the new year - will update your blog with a January posting soon! xoxo
lotsa love