Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Better late than never

Hey there Mr - Moo!
You're now 1 year old, and getting along to 18 months soon! (where HAS that time gone?)
There is so much to tell you but seeing as I've been a slacker (well actually very busy with you and your brother!)

We moved house about a month ago and you and Gregory are now sharing a room - it was all going smoothly until last week when you both realised you had someone to chat to at night time! Oh dear ;o) You're adjusting to the new house very quickly and well and have made yourself at home :o) We're finally getting into a good routine again.
While we were doing renovations we had trouble keeping you away and down off the ladder - you really are a little ladder boy - although you can go up you cant climb down (which seems to be a bit of a drama!)
The latest bit of excitment at the new house is being able to stand on the lounge, stare out the window to see the cars, buses, bike, dogs, cats play outside - but you love to climb up and watch Daddy arrive home! You then jump down and its a competition with you and Greg as to who can let Dad in the door and hug him first!!

You started saying more words - more clearly and now understandable - only yesterday at playgroup you saw a train, started running to it, stopped, turned to me and said 'train'. Yesterday afternoon when I got a cookie for you and Greg you said 'cookie' - I was amazed :) it brought a HUGE smile to my face. You can say lots of things now including Mummy, Daddy, Teddy, Chels, Grum, Car (your first word of course! haha)

You have nearly all your teeth now - your last few up top poked through last week & you only have (i think) 2 left to come through down the bottom ( you wont let me near your mouth much anymore!!) You've learned to use a spoon and have mastered feeding yourself a bowl of icecream!! Your fav food is anything we feed you - although you LOVE bananas, apples and any veggies - but especially broccoli.

You're now quite stable on your feet, learning to run and jump - and like to be where ever your big brother is!! If you are away from each other you both love to greet each other with a big hug! You love just running around chasing each other, riding your bikes in the yard or splashing me while you're in the bathtub!!

You really have the moves when it comes to dancing - and love music - Wiggles are your favourite to dance to. If we're in the car you start a "ahhhh' noise for us all to join in with you - and love (trying) to sing along to songs in the car - "The Final Countdown" seems to get you and Greg quite vocal! ha!

You are also starting to 'read' books, turn pages without ripping them all, and even pointing to things you recognise etc.

Love ya lots my little boy :o) You're growing up so fast - new things happening EVERY day.
Love, Mummy