Friday, December 7, 2007

Long time no blog!

Hey there,
Well it has been a while - was going to apologise but meh! I have lots of reasons/explanations/excuses for not blogging!! The main one being my 2 lovely boys :o)
Speaking of which,
Mitchell is growing up so so so fast!!

First time forwards in the car -
Greg and you love holding hands in the car!

Sitting on the lounge :o)
(from quite some time ago)

Teeth: Yesterday he got teeth number 3 and 4 - haven't ventured into your mouth today to see if any of the others had 'popped' through. There are about 4 more that could come through at any time.

Moving: You are able to belly crawl/commando style without a problem - although Gregory is seeing it as a problem as you seem to head towards whatever he is playing with! In the last two or three days you have started knee crawling - and getting very good at it! This morning you came over to me and pulled yourself up on my knee to kneeling before I held your hands and you stood yourself right up..... oh dear - the days of getting things away from you by putting them on the lounge are nearly over!! You have nearly mastered the 'art' of sitting up by yourself. You even manage to get yourself into the sitting position by yourself. You topple every now and then *ouch*. When Gregory watched Wiggles you are can't take your eyes off his dancing, you'll often wiggle your bottom as if to join in. Its lovely!

Water: You seem to be a real water baby!! Bath times are a favourite for you and Gregory - You have learned to sit up, splash, roll onto your tummy so you can crawl over to Gregory and take his toys! He isn't impressed too much by this. You loved your first 'swim' when we went to U.Grum and A.Lynda's. We put you in a floaty ring and you were all smiles - even more so when Gregory was in the other floaty ring and bumped into you!! It was great seeing you have fun together. You continue to smile at everyone - 2 'especially's 1. When given kisses or touched on the cheek. 2. When you see Gregory/mum/dad again (mainly after you wake from a nap). I just love your smiles. You also smile lots when you wave - if you hear someone say 'leaving' or 'go' or 'bye' you hold your arm out straight and clench a fist 2 or 3 times (waving!). You have started babbling lots and lots! It is lovely to hear you "chatting away". Often in the car Gregory will be talking, you babbling/singing and the radio is going... it does all get a bit much after a while.
Well my little munchkin, I'm proud of you and hope you have a wonderful 1st Christmas!! I can just imagine you and all the paper! *oh dear!*

Would you like some apple custard?