Friday, April 27, 2007

Week 3

Hey Darling boy,
Heres a pic of Sarah (Aunty Pammie's good friend) who came around while A.Pammie was home. She finally got to hold you - and didn't want to give you back!! So typical!!
Anyhows, we've been a little busy this week but really haven't done much except enjoy being at home most of the time.

On Tuesday you went to Playgroup for the first time :o) It was great because Daddy came too... he was kept fairly busy following Gregory around. The ladies there were so pleased to meet you and you had lots of hugs - Lucky boy!!
For lunch we went over to Aunty Megs and Makaylas. We were spoilt (you got to sleep in her bassinette) and your Dad, Gregory and I had a yummy lunch.
We didn't get up to much on your first ANZAC day, although we could have made it to the dawn service as we were awake! lol!

On Friday morning we went to the City Centre where both you and Gregory had your photo taken for the local paper baby competition. You were so good and slept in the car and the pram nearly the whole time.
The midwife came by during your awake time and weighed you. It seems as though you've put on over 400g!! Which is amazing considering the number/size of perkies you've been doing this week. She said that they would be happy with 150-200g weight gain in 10 days so you're doing great!! You also lost your 'stump' from your belly button today too..... Aww all the little milestones huh!
Last night we went to Aunty Lynda, Uncle Grum and Chelsea's place for dinner. A.Lynda loved hugging you.... although your 'to-be' little cousin kept booting you in the head through A.Lynda's tummy!! I don't think you really minded as you slept for nearly the whole time we were there too!

Today was the first time it has rained since you've been home *maybe since you've been born!*. When we were up for your 5:00-6:00 feed this morning we watched the rain together... well you were too busy burping but thats ok :o)
My cousin (your second cousin) Allan is here from Perth for a few days so we went to Grandma and Grandads for a yummy lunch. You managed to get a hold from Al for a few minutes. It was good for him to get to meet you as I'm not sure when he'll be back over this way.

Gregory is enjoying being your big brother. He points and smiles at you all the time! Chelsea is enjoying being near you anytime you are around. She comes over and touches your nose. Here you are with Grandad and Chelsea when Al was here.

Anyhow, I must go and check on you - it's nearly feed time again! *hugs*
Love you lots.