Thursday, April 12, 2007

Welcome to the World - The New Arrival

11th April 2007,
Dear Mitchell,
Hello, my darling boy! It has been wonderful to finally meet you after what seems like such a long time coming. Welcome to the world! :o)
You've been up to so much in your first 5 days here. You've been in the Special Care Nursery since you were born on Thursday night at 8:13. Daddy came up from theatre with you and saw you get your needles, weighed and measured. Later, when I came up from theatre, they took some x-rays of your chest as you had a little huff - some fluid on your lungs so they gave you some I.V. and antibiotics.
Friday morning, Daddy and Gregory came to see you. It was lovely. While they were here, Aunty Val, Uncle Jon, Aunty Pammie, Sarah, Uncle Grum, Aunty Lynda, Chelsea, Grandma and Grandad all arrived to see you.... Yes they were all there at the same time!! Later on, Uncle Michael, Aunty Megan, Makayla and Nanna came to see you. So many visitors!!!! On Saturday, Aunty Val and Great Gran A came up to see you. Great Gran and Great Poppa came up to see you on Tuesday. Your Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents all came to see you lots of times, and there's lots of photos to see.
You'll be 6 days old this evening and you've started to get the knack of feeding properly - Well done! I'm so proud of YOU!
Shortly dad will be back to help you give you your first bath.
About an hour ago a photographer from the photo news came by and took our photo (yours and mine) for next weeks paper.
I've grown so attached to you already and I can't wait to take you home, to be a family with Daddy and Gregory! Daddy needs to organise your carseat ready for you when they say you can go home - which hopefully will be soon - maybe tomorrow afternoon sometime.
I love you lots.......... You are such a special gift and looking at you makes me smile!
lots of love