Friday, June 15, 2007

First Road Trip

Hey Mitchell-moo,
Lots to tell you.... my growing boy! You've had your first immunisation shots last week... you coped very well... had a little fever but not too much.
We weighed you tonight..... my goodness.... You're now 9 weeks and 1 daye and weigh 5.9!!
(at 8weeks,5days Greg was 5.02kg (in a harness), at 8weeks, 3 days Mitchell was 4.94kg! not much in it really huh?) woW!

We had a lovely evening at Grandads birthday party (although you slept for most of the night!). Uncle Grum had fun holding Jared and you at the same time!! Grandad also fed you. You were really well behaved.

Yes we're all back safe n sound from Sydney. You travelled REALLY well!

We left on a cold, wet and windy Friday night after your feed and our dinner and stopped the other side of Orange for a break at Julie's. Julie finally got to meet you and thought that you were/are adorable. She also fed you and gave you lots of hugs! It was so lovely. When you had finished your feed and we'd all had a break
we went back into the car and headed back to Sydney. We arrived at Kelly & Daves in the pouring rain. When we pulled up both you and Gregory were snoring in the back!! We were lucky to be able to unpack in the garage so that we didnt all get cold and wet.

On Saturday for lunch we headed over to Aunty Lyn and Uncle Steve, Mark and Sarah's place. They were away when you were born so also got to meet you for the first time. You seemed to have some wind and U.Steve took it upon himself to burp you :o) It was lovely to see. A.Lyn also loved having hugs with you.

After lunch we headed to A.Val and U.Jons place. We were there for dinner - You had hugs with Jon for the first time (aww... see the photo?) and A.Val didn't want to give you back!! We stayed there while Dad went to the movies with Dan before heading home for a late evening!

Sunday Morning we went to the Wiggles Play Centre where you slept for a little while in the pram before having a feed and heading to Dans for lunch. We went to DFO after lunch on the way to visit Debbie, Wally, Taylah, Jaime, Karina and Pappa.
(See photo of you and Pappa)

It wasn't too late when we got back to Kelly and Daves, and Kelly adored feeding you - lucky bub! You, Kelly and I were up late talking and catching up, and we watched her & Daves Wedding Video and looked through her photos.
On Monday we ended up leaving Sydney just before lunch. It was a great trip - you woke up just as we reached Driver Reviver in Molong which worked out quite well. You had a quick feed before getting back on the road. We got back to Dubbo about 7:00pm.

This week had been interesting - especially trying to get the washing dry!! We went to Playgroup on Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon you and Greg went to A.Lyndas while I got the door organised for the new tv cabinet, and got dinner. After a sleep and feed at home we went back there for tea and to watch the State of Origin on their new tv.

Today we went to Great Gran and Poppas and when we arrived A.Pammie was there. (It was funny because A.Lynda Chelsea and Jared had just left!) We stayed there for a while and Gran turned up too - she ended up feeding you while I ducked to the mall to get the next size nappies for you :o).

You're growing up soooo much... you've been putting on lots each week and have started smiling this week. You're also goo-ing a gaa-ing at things, watching people walk past and turning when you hear people talking around you. I can't believe how big you're getting! It won't be long and you'll be too big for the baby bath!
Gregory still loves giving you lots of hugs and has even tried putting your dummy in 2 or 3 times. Aww!

Anyhow, must go wash those bottles for you *hugs*. Love you lots!!