Monday, June 4, 2007

Moving out

Hey Mitchie,
Its been a while since I last updated and we've been busy busy busy! You've spent some time at Great Gran & Poppas for a while,.. it was hard leaving you without Me or Daddy for the first time, but apparently you were an angel so YAY!
You've also grown so much that you're out of 0000's and starting to wear 00's sometimes! Oh how you are growing. Your face has changed and you seem to have put on lotsa weight - we'll find out tomorrow as we go to BHC for your immunisation. (yuck!)
Sunday night you spent you first night in your own room.... I know I slept better and I only needed to get up to you once through the night (which is good coz its getting way colder at night now! Only 3 degrees last night argh! brrr). The only trouble we have at the moment is that you like being up til 1/1:30 in the morning :o( - whats all that about eh?
You slept quite well in your own room last night too... Aww.... Growing up!!
You have been to your first birthday party - Makayla turned 1 y'day. You weren't much trouble as Nanna loved nursing and hugging you for most of the night - Megan had to pry you away from her so she could eat dinner!
You've come to playgroup a few times now. The other mums there think that you are just adorable... (well I know this heehee) and love giving you hugs. You're a lucky boy!
Tomorrow is Grandads birthday and we're going there for tea - yummy. A.Lynda, U.Grum, Chelsea and Jared will be there. We're also heading off on our first road trip this weekend - off to Sydney. We'll catch up with A.Val & U.Jon and also the Hungos and Moores. You'll also get to meet Kel, Dave, Julie & Dan - so we'll be busy!!!
Well must go put another blanket on you and put you to bed... you're snoozing on the lounge :o)
(I'll post some piccies soon)
Love ya!